
Little League is Back!

Tonight was my son, Damon's, first game of the season. It was also extremely cold! These kids were tough. Unfortunately we did not win, but we had some fun. Damon made 3 great plays and had a single and a walk. He also stole 2nd base. I am so proud of him! I am an assistant coach for the team. Our colors are Orange and Blue. Naturally our team name is 'The Chain Gang'! Fits us well. This is my favorite time of the year. It is great to be back!
Damon at bat:

Cameron Pitching:

Ty Catching:

Alec (other team) making a play. (Alec was on our team last year):

My Dad and his wife Connie bundled up:

Damon at Short:


April 22 Wedding

I had the privilege to shoot a wedding with Heather Lahtinen on April 22. We had a blast! Missy and Josh are a wonderful couple and have a fantastic family and friends! The ceremony was at St. Basil's in Carrick while the reception was held at the Greentree Holiday Inn. We made a quick stop at the Greentree Municipal Building for some shots. While there, it rained like crazy! Luckily it let up after a few minutes and the sun came out. We captured some great images throughout the whole day. Here are a few. To see more, be sure to visit Heather's Blog.

On the way to the altar:

Just before:

The sun is shining:

First Dance:

A moment with Josh's great aunt:

Party Time:

Josh having fun:

The ring bearer:

The flower girl:

Time to relax:

Missy's brother Keith. Keith is an aspiring actor, so I grabbed a few headshots for him.


Family Pics

Easter was peaceful and uneventful this year, with the exception of a bout of stomach virus for us all!! In light of being sick, I did manage to capture a few images and the one of Damon is from Monday. Enjoy!

My Beautiful Wife ( & Hot Mama!)

Mama and Bray Bray

Christian Blowin Bubbles.

Damon as Mike Vick

Bray in Highchair

Bray Easter Outfit


Back in the Burgh

What a Week! I had such a great time learning and meeting fantastic photographers from all over the world last week. I didn't get to tour Vegas too much, but I managed to go out for a stroll one evening and grab a few shots. I went to quite a few different seminars and went to the WPPI trade show as well. I got to meet two of my favorite photographers at the trade show as well, Mike Colon and Kevin Kubota. Kevin Kubota is the reason I wanted to get into photography. His work inspired me so much that I just had no choice but to dive in headfirst. If you get a chance, click on the link and check out some of his work.

Now that I am back, I am on a mission to incorporate all of my new found knowledge into my photography business. I am having so much fun getting things together. We have been truly blessed this year!

Here are a few shots from Vegas:



I am headed out to Las Vegas tomorrow for a huge Wedding Photography convention! The Digital Wedding Forum (DWF) and Wedding and Portrait Professionals International (WPPI) conventions run simultaneously and are packed full of exciting information, news and professionals. I have been looking forward to this trip for the past 6 months. Most of my favorite photographers from around the world will be there, which makes it extra special. To have access to some of the people just amazes me. I am hoping to learn TONS of new tips and tricks this week. I am eager to get new ideas, techniques and inspirations from all of the seminars I will be attending. I will be sitting in on both wedding and portrait sessions.

It is going to be an exciting week and cramped with info! My brain is ready to absorb it all. I will be sure to post some images upon my return. I will have limited access to email when I am there and am not planning on taking a laptop! (This will be a first for me :-) ).

Have a great week!



Adia and Brayden

On Sunday, our beautiful little neice , Adia, came to visit. I couldn't help but grab a few shots of her before she started eating. Here is one.

What a cutie!!

On Monday we had to take Brayden in for Ear Tube surgery. Poor little guy was getting ear infections, one after another. There was no end in sight, so we agreed to go forward with the procedure. He did great! Bridget and I were a little on edge until the Dr. came out and said, 'He's all done and did great!' What a relief... He was definately better already yesterday afternoon. Smiling and Playing. He has been pretty cranky the past few months, so this was a welcome change. Here is a before and after shot of him!

Bray Bray


E-Session 4/1/2006

We didn't leave too much time to fool around on April Fool's Day, because we were busy working on our latest e-session with Sami and Jason! We took a drive to the West End Overlook and Finished on Grandview Ave. on Mt. Washington. These locations lend to beautiful backdrops for photography. Of course Sami and Jason stole the focus of our cameras! We are excited to be shooting their August '06 wedding!!

Congratulations Sami and Jason!!!

Here are a few images from the shoot.