
Florida Vacation & New Pics

We scheduled a family vacation for Feb 22 through March 1 to West Palm Beach, Florida. We cannot wait! When we scheduled it, we thought that we would be ready by this time, to escape the cold weather. The past few days have been the coldest of the winter here in Pittsburgh! Needless to say we are pumped to get out of here for a week. Damon is happy to be missing school (of course we are taking his schoolwork with us). We are also going to Disney World Magic Kingdom for a day. That is a Bonus. We were given two free tickets so we only had to buy two more. Yippee!! The last time I was at Disney, I was Damon's age (10). I will be sure to post some pics from our vacation when we return.

A few weeks back I posted a few pics of Cameron and Tanner that I was working on. Since then, my brand new PowerMac blew a power supply, so I was without a computer for a week! ( I have no idea how I survived :-) ). I just got it back and was able to finish the edits on the shoot. Here are a few of my favorites.



Thomas the Tank


Mom and Me


Having fun with Brayden

Bridget and I hung out with our youngest son after our Valentine's Day dinner. We were having so much fun with him. His 4 little teeth, smiles and giggles are priceless. Watching him grow (any child for that matter) is a true gift from God! Here are a few shots from our playtime.

All Done!


Steelers WIN the SUPER BOWL!!!!

GO STEELERS!!! Needless to say we are elated that the Steelers took Jerome home and grabbed the trophy! What a ride. Saturday, before the game, we went to the strip district to enjoy some of the festivities. We had a Hot Sausage sandwich from Parma Sausage (Parma has THE best sausage products in the world!) and we also enjoyed 'The Roethlisberger" from Peppi's. This is a Huge Hoagie with Hot Sausage, Ground Beef, Egg, Lettuce, Tomatoe, Fried Onions and Mayo. You can feel your arteries clogging up as you eat it, but it is great! There were so many Steeler merchandise vendors and tons of fans having a great time. It was a lot of fun. Here are a few photos from the day.

Rena from Parma Sausage

Bray Bray



Waiting to Eat

THE Roethlisberger

Damon watching Parma in action